Welcome to Nilkantha Multiple Campus

Nilkantha Multiple Campus (NMC) was conceived three years before it got affiliation to Tribhuvan University and was established in the year 2057 BS. Before it was affiliated to TU, it had run classes of B. Ed. in collaboration with Kathmandu Shiksha Campus, Kathmandu. After formal affiliation, it has expanded its programs of different faculties. Currently, it runs B Ed. BBS, M. Ed, BA and MBS programs.

In course of short history, it has graduated more than 1000 students in Bachelor’s and Master’s level. The campus has become the center for studying management, education and humanities in the district. With the help of stakeholders, it has developed itself as an academic center in Dhading district. It has got recognition in the prospect of delivering quality education in local and national level. The majority of its graduates engaging …
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